Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cash's Fifth Blog

take a minute
poetry slam
original oratories

HW: complete original oratories and iReady. 

We got into class and sat down to take a minute and do our agendas. Then, Matthew read his blog and chose me. Then, he said Enrique and I would rock paper scissors for who had to do the blog. Then, I won, and he made me do it anyway. After, we all got into our poetry slam groups. After a little, Ashlyn's group performed their classic and their response. Ms. Nakada told us to go back to our seats and William's group prosented. After, my group we presented, Roxy prosented. After eveyone presented, we packed up and left the class.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Matthew's Fifth Blog


Take a minute 

blog - corrections 

Week 18: Q-Q-S-L

Poetry Slam prep

Poetry Slam!

HW: Prep for poetry slam

iReady 40-45 min (2 lessons)

last week!

We started off class by coming in, sitting down, and taking down the agenda in our binder reminders. William then read the blog and didn't know who hasn't done the blog yet, so we were all supposed to stand up, but I was kind of singled out because no one really stood up and got chosen. We then moved onto our lines for the week "The Laughing Heart" by Charles Bukowski. We also watched a poetry slam and response, but Landon kept looking at Ismael and disrupting class. After this, we started actually working on our poetry slams for the first time, this lasted for 20 minutes before we packed up and left for the day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

William's Fifth Blog


Take a minute
Blog Corrections
Week 18 QQSL
Poetry Slam Prep 
Poetry Slam!
HW: Prep for Poetry Slam / Iready - 40-45 minutes 2 lessons

We started off the day by walking into class and taking out binder reminders and writing the agenda in them and then we took a minute. Then, Jerry read his blog when he finished he chose me. Next, Ms. Nakada told all of us to take out our English notebooks and to write down things we forgot to go over yesterday. As we were going over the stuff, the fire alarm went off. Aaron says to me, "How the turn tables." The noise is really load as we head towards the field. As the alarm echos, I see all the student on the field. It's really hot as we sit in the sun and wait for this situation to be over. Suddenly, the alarm stops and we heard it was a false alarm. We start to head back.

We started to listen to the song "Forever Young" by Alphaville and the song is about the Cold War, getting old, and remembering the life that you had and wanting to be forever young because you only live once.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Jerry's Fifth Blog


take a minute
blog corrections
Week 18 QQSL
Poetry Gallery Walk
Poetry Slam Prep

Prep for Poetry Slam
iReady 40-45 min. (2 lesson)
last week!

    We started the day by writing down the agenda and taking a minute. The class was very loud so Ms. Nakada told us to pay attention to the take a minute video. It was about how we can prevent binge-watching by using the R.A.I.N method. Then, we prepared for the poetry gallery walk by clearing the tables and putting our poems on them. After that, Ms. Nakada allowed us to walk around the room to look at other people's poem collections and broadsides. Alex kept trying to get me to look the wrong way by tapping my shoulders. Then, we took out our English notebooks and wrote down the quote and question of the week.

Quote: "Awards become corroded. Friends gather no dust." By Jesse Owens
Jesse Owens means that trophies and metals will grow old but friendships can last forever.

Question: What awards/accomplishments can you include on college/scholarship applications?
Ms. Nakada said that we should include academic achievements like our GPA and how it's important to get good grades. We should also include extracurricular awards as it shows our commitment and perseverance. 

    Our class was very interruptive so we barely got through the Quote and Questions. After the bell rang, we packed up and left.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Ms. Nakada's Blog

take a minute
blog corrections
Original Oratories
NaPoWriMo Submission

HW: iReady 40 - 45 minutes
AR 100%

Today we came into sixth period to finish off the day after a long morning of math testing. Everybody came into class, and we started writing down the agenda in our binder reminders. Aaron read his blog and then, to my surprise, he picked me. I wasn't super excited about it, but here we are. 

We talked a little about original oratories and how graduation speakers would be selected. Then, I shared my speech from a few years back, and it got me a little in my feelings. 

After that, students used the time to work on their poetry collections and broadsides. I am already loving what students are creating! 

Then there was more testing, then I was out on Friday, and now we're here. Jeesh. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Harpoon's (Aaron) Fifth Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Week 17 QQL

NaPoWriMo Submissions

HW: iReady 40-45 min.

2 lessons

AR 100%

    Hey guys so uh yeah, we went into Ms. Nakada's class as we normally do. We got settled down and did all of our pre-class thingy mabobers. Ms. Nakada had Natalie read her blog and corrected it, average stuff. Then Natalie chose me to do the blog which caught me by surprise (cause you know, I don't really know many students personally, yeah).

    People causing minor disruptions, the usual stuff. Then, Ms. Nakada gave us advice on how we should take notes. She basically gave us a lecture about taking notes during lectures🤯. The lecture about lectures was pretty long (which was real intellectual), and we went on to the lines of the week-- There wasn't a song for this week :OOOO-- The lines was Let's Revive the Golden Rule a ted talk by Karen Armstrong.

    In the first thirty seconds of the video after Ms. Nakada's whole speech about taking notes, she spotted she hadn't seen anyone taking notes. Ms. Nakada once again gave wise words on taking notes, how she's still taking notes and about to pause, waiting for someone to ask to pause. The Ted talk goes on about the positive and the negative versions of the golden rule. Then, it talks about how we should implement it in our lives.

    Ms. Nakada passed out the field day slips with the ted talk still on. Everyone turned their attention to it and Ms. Nakada began discussing it. Everyone was all on about the attire and about if we had to wear the correct clothing. We filled out our sheets and people talked about the pool. Noah said that he would drown and then said he would purposely drown. The bell rang, and we packed up. We did our average stuff and left.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Natalie's Fifth Blog

Take a Minute


Week 17 Q.Q.S.L

NaPoWriMo Submissions

HW iReady 40-45 minutes

We started off by choosing our new seats. Then, Alex read his blog. We wrote down the quote and talked about it before answering the question about what should and shouldn't be learned in school. 

Quote: "Nothing in the Golden Rule says that others will treat us as we have treated them. It only says we must treat others in a way that we would want to be treated." Rosa Parks

Question: What should you learn / NOT learn about in school? 

After working on whatever we needed to, we packed up and went home. 

Cash's Fifth Blog

AGENDA take a minute blog-corrections poetry slam original oratories HW: complete original oratories and iReady.  We got into class and sat ...